
The pages here are subject to copyright. They can not be copied, stored and altered elsewhere without the copyright holders prior knowledge and consent.

The Llamastorm Games logo is copyright by Oliver Tate - April 2008

All screenshots are copyright of Oliver Tate - 2008.

All writings on the matter of The Last Walk of Lucifer is copyrighted by Daniel Mcilwaine - 2007/2008.

The domain is provided and hosted by

All games mentioned on the homepage are subject to copyright and are enforced by their respective owners.

The Llamastorm Games website and subpages are jointly owned and created by Oliver Tate and Daniel Mcilwaine. They as such have final say on all comments and messages being included on the site and they reserve the right to delete them if they see fit.
Any comments made on these comment pages are the view of the comment maker and are not nessacerily the view of Llamastorm Games unless stated.

Hello. At the moment the Llamastorm team is quite small and thus we need more. If you think can help contact us.

At the moment we need help in many departments, if you think you can help please contact us.
Added 'The Team' page.
General edits.
To come:
More screenshots to come.
Added team member
Hopefully much other stuff besides to improve the quality of the site and bulk it out.
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